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French Pyrenees

The Bouillouses

Stay Bouillouses

A stay in Canada? In Scotland? No !  In the Pyrenees !!!

Sublime landscapes, lakes, peaks, steppes and one of the most beautiful lights of the chain!

You will love this stay cut off from civilization, but not lost for all that;)

6 days, 5 days of hiking in a 2-star hotel

Perics Tower

The ideal stay to try your hand at roaming trekking!

From refuge to refuge, you will go around the massif between Pyrénées-Orientales and Ariège.

The diversity of the landscape is fabulous and the Isard will be waiting for you around the corner!

  5 days of hiking, 4 nights in guarded refuges

The great sites of the Pyrenees

Surely the most magnificent region of our Pyrenees  ! The circus of Gavarnie, Troumouse, Estaubé. The Pic du Taillon, the Breche de Rolland, Le Vignemale and Lac de Gaube, evocative names for all lovers of Pyreneism.

6 days, 5 days of hiking in a 2-star hotel

Hikes in the Auzat valley (Ariège)

Surely the most unknown and wild region of the Pyrenees  ! The valley of Auzat and Vicdessos, was for a long time a mining and industrial site  ! Since then, the valley has taken a new turn and you will discover magnificent hikes…

6 days, 5 days of treks in a group hostel.

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